Iframely API endpoint

Iframely-formatted endpoint provides complete JSON data Iframely could fetch about your URL.

The basic flow is the same as with oEmbed API:

  • You make an HTTP GET request with your link as the &url= query-string parameter.
  • If any, HTML embed code is in the html field of JSON response.

The html and rich media content depend on your API settings and optional request parameters.

If we cannot find third-party rich media for your URL, we will prepare a summary card. We deliver it via a hosted iFrame. You may request to get an iFrame every time if you need any other technical improvements or Iframely interactives it brings.

In addition to the main html field, Iframely data will also give you URL’s unified semantics and attribution as meta data and all available publisher’s media variants as links.

Together, links and meta sections mimic the <head> of a requested web page, similar to Iframely embeds discovery.

API request

  • url and api_key parameters are required.
  • url needs to be URL-encoded.
  • For additional security, you may substitute api_key with the key parameter. It should be the md5 hash value of your actual API key (see Allow origins guide).
  • There are also other optional query-string parameters available.

If you make API calls for each user via client-side JavaScript, use our CDN at cdn.iframe.ly/api/iframely/….

If you use Content IDs, you can repeat the API call at iframe.ly/{ID}.json. You can even fetch data in batches of up to 100 content IDs, separated by - hyphen.

API response

Iframely responds with a JSON that has a top-level html field with our recommendation as embed code. Plus all other information we have found about your URL.

Here’s an example response for Vimeo:

  "id": "qH98az",

  // URL Content ID (if available) plus canonical URL
  "url": "https://vimeo.com/141567420",

  // Rel use cases and html code for primary variant of embed
  // Check for `autoplay` if you requested it
  "rel": ["player", "ssl"],

  // That's the embed code we recommend
  "html": "<div …>…</div>",

  // Meta object with attribution & semantics
  "meta": {
    "title": "Input/Output",
    "description": "A new short from Terri Timely and Park Pictures",
    "author_url": "https://vimeo.com/user1946955",
    "author": "Terri Timely",
    "site": "Vimeo",
    "canonical": "https://vimeo.com/141567420",
    "duration": 249,
    "date": "2015-10-06",
    "medium": "video"

  // Plus list of all media that we have for this URL
  // Embed src links with functional rels, for example:
  "links": {

    // List of player embed widgets
    "player": [{

      // SRC of embed
      "href": "https://player.vimeo.com/video/141567420",

      // Functional and technical use cases
      "rel": ["player", "ssl", "html5"],

      // Link's MIME type, says "embed as iFrame"
      "type": "text/html",

      // Media query, e.g. aspects
      "media": {
        "aspect-ratio": 1.777778

      // Plus generated HTML code for simplicity of use
      "html": "<div … ></div>"
    }, {// Might have multiple variations of the same player.
      // Say, one that 'autoplay's, one as MP4 video, one as https.
    "thumbnail": [{
      "media": {
        // Exact sizes here
        "height": 360,
        "width": 640

      // We repeat the same rel for consistency
      "rel": ["thumbnail"],
      "type": "image",

      // "Use href as src of an image"
      "href": "http://cdn1.aka … med_1381670134_00040.jpg"
    }, {}],

    // Also possible: app, image (as rel), reader, survey, file, logo, icon

    "icon": [{}]
  • rel is the primary information about the use case of the embeds. Primary rels are player, thumbnail, app, image, reader, survey, summary, icon and logo.

  • meta will contain the list of semantic attributes we could get and unify to the standard naming.

Array values with only one element will go as a single object (i.e. no []).

On plans that support it, Iframely also returns an options object. Use it for URL Options editor.