Evergreen embeds for today and tomorrow

Save your team a few man-years now, and more so in the future.


A pay-as-you-go no-fee plan with free quota.

1 000 hits/mo

$4 per 1000 extra hits

$0 per month, billed monthly

All core Iframely features:

  • Experimental use
  • Single domain license
  • 1900+ publishers
  • Embeds & URL data
  • via oEmbed API
  • or Iframely API

Get started


Power up your website with Iframely URL data.

10 000 hits/mo

$3 per 1000 extra hits

$49 USD per month, billed monthly

Everything in Starter plus:

  • No “Powered by” icon
  • iFrames via API key
  • Cards
  • Global CDN
  • 99.9% uptime guarantee

Get started


For your CMS team, authors, editors and readers.

100 000 hits/mo

$2 per 1000 extra hits

$149 USD per month, billed monthly

Everything in Business plus:

  • Multiple domains license
  • iFrames via content IDs
  • Per-use URL options
  • AMP format
  • Custom parser requests

Get started


Enterprise support and volume.

1 000 000 hits/mo

$1 per 1000 extra hits

$399 USD per month, billed monthly

Everything in Editorial plus:

  • Hard to exceed
  • Bring your own CDN
  • Priority change requests
  • Custom SLA available

Get started

Compare plans Starter

Your volume will grow the more features you use. Here’s plan recommendations for specific features:

Monthly hits included 1000 10 000 100 000 1 000 000
Extra hits $4 per 1000 $3 per 1000 $2 per 1000 $1 per 1000
Domains license Experimental Single domain Multiple domains Multiple domains
Production use Experimental
Global CDN “Powered by” icon
Caching delegation    
Cards & interactives continuity    
Bring your own CDN      
Embeds API
1900+ publishers
URL data
Rich media embeds
Per URL options editor  
iFrames via API key  
iFrames via content IDs    
AMP format      
Summary card Experimental
Card design
Synchronized playback    
Friendly GIFs    
User consents      
Email support
Chat support Off-peak hours
99.9% uptime guarantee  
Custom parser requests    
Priority change requests      
Custom SLA available      

Frequently asked questions

How do page views relate to hits?

The number of visitors and page views you get doesn’t affect Iframely’s billing directly. It’s more about how long your content remains popular. Each URL can result in as few as one hit when you simply fetch raw data through the API and up to a maximum of 24 hits per day when displaying media using Iframely helpers. In today’s fast-paced online environment, articles usually stay relevant for just a few days, so your URL is likely to be most active during that time.

How does my plan work with extra hits?

Every plan has its own rate for additional hits. If you go over the number of hits included in your plan, we charge for the excess on the last day of your billing cycle. One week before an upcoming invoice, we’ll run our projection algorithm and we’ll send you an email if there is a better plan available.

How do API license limitations affect me?

General API license allows up to 50 requests per second. Additionally, various plans have different usage restrictions. The “Starter” plan lets you use Iframely for commercial purposes, but limited to one domain. “Same domain” means either the same database or the same business brand. The “Editorial” and “Enterprise” plans grant licenses to use Iframely across multiple domains.

Which plan is right for me?

Starter — This pay-as-you go plan with no monthly fee is great for experimental work and initial launches. It gives 1000 hits/mo for free and only requires a credit card for overages.

Business — This plan is meant for general websites who prefer a hands-on approach, working with publishers directly and relying on Iframely for the raw data and few fallbacks.

Editorial — This plan is great for average Content Management Systems. It’s designed to handle a moderate number of URLs and provides support for common functionalities. Through Content IDs, it also ensures your content remains accessible even after your subscription ends.

Enterprise — This plan is ideal for managing many URLs or for use with specialized technologies like React or AMP. It offers extensive features, priority support, and customization.

Custom — We’re open to negotiate a custom service agreement for commitments you need with regard to privacy, security, and continued service. Our enterprise agreements offer a fixed fee for unlimited usage and yearly billing. If you expect to repeteadly go over 50 requests per second, please contact us for a quote.