How to refresh cache for the URL
Being a good Internet citizen, Iframely caches content to meet our commitment, be gentle on publishers' hosts, and avoid any abuse of publishers’ resources.
Our caching is based on a heuristic algorithm with exponential backing off. The cache refreshes are time-based and also take into account a number of feedback loops and other triggers during the rendering of the resources.
This means that there may be some discrepancies between Iframely data and the publisher’s origin, especially if the latter changed recently. For example, if a YouTube video was initially private, Iframely may keep returning an error even if the owner changed the permissions.
To ensure that Iframely provides the most up-to-date data, it's important to understand how caching works and how you can refresh the cache when needed. Here are some ways to do that.
Refresh cache via Iframely interface
To refresh the cache, simply paste the URL into Iframely’s input field - for example, here. Once the result appears, the "Check it" button will change to "Refresh". Clicking the "Refresh" button will clear the cache and retrieve the latest data from the source.
Refresh cache via API call
Alternatively, if you use the Iframely API, you can refresh the cache for a specific URL with &refresh=true added to the call. This will force Iframely to clear the cache for that URL and fetch new data, however only once per 10 minutes.
Please note that while Iframely’s cache will be refreshed immediately, there may still be cached versions of the URL preview on your website due to the Content Delivery Network (CDN) used. This CDN cache is a third-party system and may take up to an hour to expire, so the updated preview might not be reflected instantly on your site.
Refresh a stale image
Images that we serve are kept in our CDN caches for longer than the URL data itself, and you may run into a situation when publishers image changed in place, without chaning of its address. For example, if a thumbnail image changed for a YouTube video, they will still have the same address for that image. To invalidate such images, please reach out to support.
Refresh all data from your domain
If you are a domain owner and your website has recently changed, you may need to invalidate all of your content rather than for a single URL. Please reach out to our support with the details, and we’ll help you with this request from our end.