Embedding PDFs via Iframely

Last updated:

Iframely supports embedding PDFs through Google Docs Viewer integration, which is available for all new accounts by default. If needed, you can disable this integration in your media types settings.

You won’t need any additional setup — simply provide a direct link to your PDF file, and Iframely will take care of the rest. The file you're embedding needs to be under 10MB, as Google Docs Viewer does not support larger files.

Please note, that we only support publicly accessible PDF files hosted on public servers in accordance with GDPR compliance. Iframely does not host or transcode the PDF files on our end. Instead, we link directly to the Google Docs Viewer service, which downloads and displays the content from its own servers. If you're planning to embed protected content, keep in mind that the content will be accessible to Google services as it’s being processed and displayed via Google Docs Viewer.